As in men, hair loss in women (alopecia) is often seen as a disaster, a practically intolerable psychological trauma. Day after day, the pillowcase, brush, cover hair to your chagrin. What causes this phenomenon? Are there solutions?
Predictably, hair loss
In some women, hair loss is predictable. Indeed, this phenomenon (androgenetic alopecia) is just as hereditary as eye color ... It begins in the twenties in 3% of them. Between the ages of 40 and 49 years, nearly one in five women (17%) is facing hair loss called hereditary and, after 60 years, a woman in four will suffer. Blood vessels and disrupt atrophy, thus, the growth of the hair follicle, which eventually die.
But the woman has an advantage over the man. If more men become completely bald more or less near future, women will retain a portion of the capillary system. Her hair will be more sparse, however.
The causes of hair loss
The causes of hair loss in women are numerous. Hormonal disorders are among the most common. They are often associated with various stages of the life of a woman (pregnancy and childbirth, pre-menopause and menopause), endocrine disorders or taking drugs. General anesthesia, a surgical shock, hemorrhage, and prolonged high fever or an important psycho shock may also be responsible for hair loss.
When the body packs
When hair loss becomes significant, especially unexplained, it is best to consult a dermatologist who will take stock of the various potential causes. Is it a disorder of the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism)? Is that your pituitary is idling or, conversely, races and now produces too much prolactin: the hormone that triggers and maintains lactation?
Male hormones
At certain times, the ovaries and adrenal glands of women produce male hormones in larger quantities. This production is accelerated during menopause or childbirth. This results in a depletion of the scalp and, by extension, hair loss.
Hair loss in women can also be connected to a hypersensitivity "hair bulb" to androgens (hyperandrogenism), even if they are not produced in excessive amounts.
And stress
It also happens that stress, frequent or occasional causes hair loss. When we are stressed, the body produces various hormones: adrenaline, cortisol and adrenal androgens. This higher production causes hair loss. In fact, every thrust stress causes contraction of blood vessels to the hair root, which contributes to the refinement of the hair and ... his fall.
Prevent hair loss
It is possible to prevent, at least in part, the loss of hair. Experts recommend not to abuse hot showers, hats, caps or tight elastic. Others argue that the frequent use of gels and staining or electric dryers, promotes hair loss in women.
As with many big and small health problems, lifestyle healthier slowing hair loss. A more balanced diet, reducing stressors, hours of restful sleep promote a healthier scalp.
Treatments against hair loss
The last twenty years have witnessed a revolution in the treatment of hair loss, so in women than in men. The discovery of minoxidil, a product that can slow hair loss and, in some cases, to obtain a slight regrowth, helped provide some answers to this problem. A solution containing 2% of the molecule can be used as a treatment. Another, available by prescription, contains 5% Minoxidil and give better results. For some, it causes itching of the scalp, acne, decreases in blood pressure and libido, as well as rapid weight gain.
A pill, a small pellet ...
Other important discoveries have marked recent years. Indeed, it is possible to ingest anti-hair loss such as Viviscal tablets and Alpharegul fruits of research and Finnish French dermatologists, respectively. These products, natural, slow down the hair loss. However, studies show that Viviscal promotes the growth of existing hair. We found in transactional websites, priced at $ 40 a jar of 60 capsules.
Note that some cosmetic companies offer on the market ranges of shampoo that slow, they argue, the hair loss.
Hair transplant
Hair transplantation is a surgical technique to replenish the more open areas. The technician fee per group of 20 or 30, hair on the back of your head using a tool: the bit. He then reimplanted in the most stripped using the same unit area. Reimplanted hair grow back. In Quebec, the price of such a transplant range from $ 1 500 to $ 4,000.
In desperation, you can fall back on the wig or hairpiece. The choice is vast: synthetic or natural, long or short. But generally cheaper betray the subterfuge. Expect to pay from $ 80 to $ 2,000 depending on the model, texture and desired quality.
Keep in mind that hair loss remains normal. Individual loses 50 to 80 per day. With 100 000 to 150 000 hairs on your head, you have enough for a few years ... However, if the hair loss is important to you, start treatment as soon as possible will ensure a packed
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